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85 bulbs.  Can be planted in any location except dense shade.  A carefully curated collection of reliable and beautiful bulbs.

Comprises : 

Galanthus elwesii : Large, early flowering snowdrop.  Flowering February to March.

Crocus tomassinianus : One of the earliest Crocus to flower.  Flowering February to March.

Muscari azureum : Grape hyacinth pale violet scented flowers in March and April

Fritillaria meleagris : Distinctive chequerboard flower heads flowering March and April

Scilla siberica : Slender with bell shaped flowers flowering March and April

Puschkinia scilloides var libanotica : Star shaped white flowers witha blue stripe flowerings in March and April.

Leucojum aestivum : Pendant snowdrop like flowers March to May.

Narcissus 'Actaea' : Pheasant Eye Daffodil flowers April to May

Camassia leichtinii : Giant bluebell like flowers which bees love, flowers in May.

Iris Reticulata : Dwarf Iris flowers February to March

Tulipa sylvestris : Flowers April.

Tulipa turkestanica : One of the best tulips for grass flowering year after year. Flowers March and April.

Tulipa humilis 'Helene' : Pink and reliable tulip flowering March to April.

Tulipa humilis 'Persian Pearl' : Deep purple naturalising tulip with vibrant yellow centre.  Flowers April to May.

Tulipa sylvestris : A gentle citrus scented tulip. Flowers April to May.

Tulipa saxatilis (Bakeri Group) 'Lilac Wonder' :  A stunning tulip, naturalises easily.  Flowers April to May.

Anemone blanda : Daisy like flowers which naturalise quickly. Flowers March to June.

Erythronium dens-canis 'Lilac Wonder' : A magenta beauty that looks great naturalising.  Flowers April to May.




Bulb Meadow Spring Lawn Epic Bulb Collection

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